Frammenti di Rock

  • Nulla è perché sia (29/04/2003).

  • Nutro il massimo rispetto per le cose che funzionano (2011).

  • La Fisica non è democratica (2007).

  • La vita è come un bordello: quella che ti piace è sempre occupata (estate 2008).

  • Conoscere attraverso le cause, agire per gli effetti (24/10/2011).

  • I can control my breath, but I cannot control my heart. (20/01/2012)

  • Ogni momento è unico. (15/03/2012)

  • Only fool men and wise men are happy. Is it the same? (19/07/2012)

  • Have fun every day! (07/04/2013)

domenica 15 luglio 2012

The voice of the Devil

All Bibles or sacred codes have been the causes of the following Errors:

  1. That Man has two real existing principles, viz. a Body and a Soul.
  2. That Energy, call'd Evil, is alone from the Body; and that Reason, call'd Good, is alone from the Soul.
  3. That God will torment Man in Eternity for following his Energies.
But the following Contraries to these are True:
  1. Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that call'd Body is a portion of Soul discern'd by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age.
  2. Energy is the only life and is from the Body; and Reason is the bound outward circumference of Energy.
  3. Energy is Eternal Delight.
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained; and the restrainer, or reason, usurps its place and governs the unwilling. And being restrain'd, it by degrees becomes passive, till it is only the shadow of desire.

by William Blake